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Hello *|FNAME|*,

Thanks for taking a few moments to catch up with us. Lots going on with Easter and Martha's expanding outreach to ladies. God is doing cool stuff for His glory!

Although Easter in Honduras is a 5-7 day mandatory closing of schools, banks, government offices, etc (and almost all businesses follow their lead), church attendance actually goes down. Good Friday has some special events, mainly Catholic oriented, but most folks use the time off from schools and business to vacation and visit family. We celebrated Easter in a variety of ways with our 7 groups in addition to the Deaf Church. Watching an abbreviated passion movie, messages, crafts, testimonies, etc. Contemplating Good Friday bothers me more as I get older. I heard a radio preacher say the other day "Jesus was in the tomb for 72 hours". No, thank God, he wasn't. His body was just there a little bit of the 1st and 3rd days along with the 2nd, and in the mean time He went and preached to the spirits in hell. That is a bit comforting, in additional to the absolutely wonderful morning of the 3rd day!

Martha is in demand! The ladies in Las Vegas saw some Facebook posts about her other ladies' classes and asked for Martha to teach them too also. Martha says about this new class: "These ladies already had a time that they get together to make and sell things for their school for disabled kids and the families’ needs. The skills they're learning give them new options. It is also a time when moms and kids are working together. For the 3 classes with us, the moms were in total agreement to learn one particular skill each, then they would teach each other. Also, they were already taking responsibility to get the materials they would need, not asking us for free stuff. Glenda kept saying how she was surprised and happy with their attitudes of gratefulness and helping each other. We also reviewed Semana Santa and I put up the pictures representing each day of the week. That brought about a lot of conversation and ‘lights going off’ when they saw the way that special week un folded and its significance." Ain't that cool? We have quite a unique ministry, in that all of our outreaches (like this one) are started by the request of Honduran Christians, who take active leadership in them. Thanks to God for His fruit in the lives of many of His children.

And we have a nice bench seat for additional passengers! Safe, protected from rain and dust plus lots of space for class supplies. Martha's truck is almost complete, thanks to God and those whom He prompted to contribute.

Thanks to all of that that support this work with your prayers and financial support. If you would like to participate financially, just click this link to DONATE online or mail a check to the address below. Thanks and may God continue to bless you!

Mike & Martha Rudd

Good Word Ministry
200 South Oakridge Drive
Suite 101, Box 133
Hudson Oaks, TX 76087